Saturday 24 September 2016

Some Tips for Effective Essay Writing

If you've been given another essay writing assignment, then you know that there comes a time when no matter what the assignment is, you feel as though you need a break. This of course is when you can let procrastination creep in and then if this happens, you may find that starting the essay is incredibly difficult let alone finishing. There seems to be so much to do from research to writing, to editing and rewriting before you can hand it in. And if you're thinking this, you are definitely not alone. No matter how good someone is when it comes to writing papers, everyone at some point runs into stumbling block or challenge that they have problems dealing with. However, there are a few tips for effective essay writing that you can follow.

One thing to realize when thinking about best essay writing is that each person has their own way of thinking and their own style of writing. The last thing you want to do is try to emulate another persons matter of writing style. Although at first glance, this can seem like a good idea, (after all, we all want to please the teacher right?) Ultimately you'll end up finding it very difficult to keep up that particular style for any length in your paper. You may wind up with something that at best, as errors in and at worst sounds like someone else wrote. In short, you may also find that your writing flow will simply not be there.

Similarly, another tip is to of course keep in mind the rules regarding proper essay form and language but you also want to be able to write in your own voice and this is one of the key things you need to realize when it comes to best essay writing. It's not just collecting a series of facts and data and presenting, you also want to be able to present them in a way that is unique to you. This will make the assignment go that much better.

Finally, remember that when you want to truly achieve effective essay writing, you need to give yourself the time to do it but also you need to allow yourself the luxury of errors the first time through. The last thing you want to try to do is write the perfect paper in the first revision. If you allow yourself the luxury of errors or mistakes and as you rewrite clean them up, you will find that you will actually get things done that much quicker.

Essay Writing Tips - How to Make a Good Essay Writing

Writing is a creative endeavor that follows some set of rules. When you are writing, you can play around with these rules and there is nothing wrong with that for as long as it works. Actually, what people want when they read is to be amused, touched, or learn something. It doesn't matter if there are a few mistakes or if you have use grammar rules creatively on your write up; it generally don't ruin a good piece of creative writing anyway. However, when you are doing best essay writing for your education, you are not suppose to bend the rules too much. Your writing need not be a masterpiece, but it has to be an enjoyable read.

Too often, essay writing is at its best if made personal. However, that is not always the case as it will depend on the subject matter and what your teacher or professor requires. If an essay was made personal, it would be a much easier read. On the other hand, if your teacher or professor struggles with unfamiliar words and impersonal anecdotes while reading your essay, they may not mark it with a favorable grade when they are done reading, even if all you stated there are facts.

One thing you need to do to come up with a best essay writing is to spell it right. With the existence of word processors having spell check features, nowadays; there is no excuse for bad spelling. In fact, it has always been a MUST. If your piece contains bad spelling then no one is going to take your writing seriously. Good spelling has always been essential in good essay writing and there are no exceptions for that.

Another important thing when making a good essay writing is to keep your story straight and to-the-point. The 'who, what, when, where and why' strategy in writing an informative news story can actually, be applied in just about any types of writing including essay writing. Narrate the whole story through writing in a way that can be easily understood by the reader. It should have a beginning, middle and end. To do so, make an outline before you begin writing. This way you can identify all of these things easily and tells you that you have included all necessary information.

Even the most ordinary topic must be interesting and exciting. You may think it is difficult to create an interesting essay about the topic of the history of doorknob, but with sufficient research, you can do it. There are always exciting twists in almost any type of story, so you must find them first when doing your essay writing research. If for instance, you cannot find anything exciting to add, just keep your tone light and conversational. The important thing there is the reader could get through rather dry material regardless of what the subject matter is.

Friday 23 September 2016

5 Steps to Write the Perfect Essay

Well presented best essay writing is a vital craft to help you win at school and university exams, however it is surprising how difficult it is to get guidance on how to write a winning essay. Students are often left feeling let down when they receive a marked essay back from their lecturer, with no clear indication as to how they are to improve. Here are some pointers to help you improve your essays.


One common issue for many students is that they dread writing the essay at all. The semester goes by and the work remains unwritten. You need to start working out coping routines as soon as you can. Throughout your working life there will be times when you are given tiring tasks that you feel bored by, so building up your self motivation now is an ability that will be useful for the rest of your life. Perhaps you feel more focused after a trip to the gym or maybe you need to reward yourself at the end of the time you ringfence for essays. Work out which tools are best for you.


Once you are given the essay questions, set about planning your time. Consider the time you have until the assignment is due, get out your calendar and start making plans. You want to be done with the main writing of the essay weeks before it is due, so that you have plenty of time to type it up. Don't leave it so late that you're rushing.

Essay Plans

Spend time on an essay plan in order to save time later in the best essay writing process.

Making a plan should be completed every time you begin a new essay. Start by making sure you understand the question. Then brainstorm the ideas that might be useful for the essay. After that, organize your thoughts in a logical order in an essay plan.

Hitting the library

Once you have an idea of the essay structure, you need to head to the library to find the recommended reading material or search for journal articles through an online journal archive like JSTOR. With a university essay, you want to have completed this stage (and the steps listed above) as quickly as you can. You are competing for research material with everyone else in the class, so get into the library as quickly as possible. If one of your classmates has already got to the materials you need, it is advisable that you put your name on the waiting list for those books to make sure you get them next.

Begin Writing

Begin fleshing out the body of your essay. Each paragraph should deliver a point in your argument. Write the introduction last. This is particularly important with university essays. You will have read a great amount of material and will have constructed a complex argument within the course of the term. Your argument about the essay subject may have changed during the course of the term and you need to express your final analysis in the introduction.

Essay Writing Tips - 6 Steps to Writing a Great Essay

If writing an essay seems like a daunting experience, then learning how to break the process down into a number of easy steps will give you the confidence you need to produce an interesting, high quality piece of work. This article provides 6 essay writing tips that will take you from an initial idea through to the finished product.

1. Select your topic carefully

If your topic has many different aspects, then a very useful essay writing tip is to narrow it down to one specific area, and make sure you explain this in your introduction. This will make for better reading than if you try to cover everything, and will definitely improve the quality of your work. If you get to choose your own topic, make it something you are interested in. This way the research will become much easier and your enthusiasm will 'rub off' on your readers.

2. Do Your Research

Another useful essay writing tip is to make sure you spend sufficient time looking into all the aspects of your chosen topic. Read as much relevant material as possible, and make notes along the way so you don't forget anything. Also note down where you have got your ideas from; i.e. author name, book or article title and page number.

3. Write Down the Main Arguments

Once you've researched your subject, summarise the main arguments and ideas you have read. Do not copy other people's words, just choose the important points and summarise these in your own words. This is a highly important essay writing tip - whatever you do, make sure you don't plagiarise another author's work.

Prepare the basic structure of the essay in dot point headings, using only a few words to describe each main point. Play around with the structure until you feel that the sequence is right. Put the most important point first, followed by the next most important point, and so on.

Then paste your research summaries under each heading (you can delete these later).

4. Fill Out the Body of the Essay

This is where you discuss in detail your thoughts and ideas on the chosen topic, and 'fill out' the summaries you wrote earlier. Under each main point, introduce the evidence supporting your theories, together with arguments and any other points you wish to make. A good essay writing tip is to make sure these are thought provoking and interesting, as well as informative.

End each paragraph or section with some type of conclusion, or 'lead in' sentence to the next paragraph.

Now that you have written the main body of the essay, you can go back to writing the 'Introduction', followed by the essay 'Conclusion'.

5. Write Your Introduction

In some ways this is the most important part of your essay. One of the best essay writing tips is to use the introduction to grab the reader's attention and give them a 'taste' of the information to come that will make them want to keep on reading.

Describe briefly what the essay is about, and your research sources, and explain what the reader will get out of reading the essay. Finish the introduction with a clear explanation of your point of view, or of the main essay idea.

6. Write Your Conclusions

Start this section by briefly summarising the results and conclusions of your research. Tell the reader what your main conclusion is, and why. Make sure you have also checked and formatted your references that will go at the end of the essay.

A great essay writing tip is to end the essay with a memorable, thought provoking statement that in some way 'sums up' your findings.

These essay writing tips will help you to produce a well structured essay, but don't forget to edit and proof read your work thoroughly to ensure there are no spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Write a Good Essay - Tips for Students

Writing a good essay is one of the most daunting tasks many students face when they begin college or university. Often students will procrastinate, avoiding the challenging task of beginning a paper until it is almost due, resulting in a poor quality essay and a weak grade. This article provides a few valuable tips to help students plan their time effectively to help ensure top marks.

In my first year of university I struggled with essay writing as much as my peers, and possibly more. I procrastinated and avoided writing my term papers as long as possible, causing myself untold stress and worry. However, by the time I finished graduate school I had mastered the process of planning, researching and writing essays. Instead of stress, fear and worry I was able to write with confidence and achieve top grades.

A large part of success in essay writing is found in planning your time effectively. If you create a schedule for your work that avoids conflicts and ensures you have ample time to complete each task, the quality of your writing will improve dramatically. Use this simple process to plan your semester and you will be more able to relax and enjoy your time in the knowledge that you have your assignments well in hand.

1. Gather your class schedules and/or syllabi.

2. Sit down with a calendar and mark off the dates of projects, essays and exams.

3. Identify conflicts, such as multiple exams or essays happening in the same week. This is common at the end of a term.

4. Identify other dates and elements of your life that might conflict with your assignments. Examples could include work, athletics, family holidays or other events you cannot or do not wish to miss.

5. Estimate how much time each assignment will take you. Warning - always overestimate the time it will take to complete a project. Far better to finish early than to be overworked.

6. Identify blocks of time in your weekly schedule where you can get pieces of work finished. In the best case you will have several 2-3 hour gaps between classes.

7. Assign the time necessary to complete each project, including assignments, research, writing and preparation for exams. Use every week available.

8. Avoid planning any work on weekends. At a minimum, try not to plan anything for Friday or Saturday nights. You will likely not do it anyways, so don't make yourself feel guilty while you are doing something else. Get your work done during the week and enjoy your time off without stress.

9. Be sure to reassess your schedule and make changes if your time estimates are inaccurate.

10. Always think about ways to use your time more efficiently. There are hundreds of ways to study more effectively, or make the most of your time while researching an essay.

If you are proactive you can avoid becoming one of those famously overworked, stressed out and miserable students who are buried under a mountain of work. Instead you can enjoy your education while earning top grades.

How To Work Through Writing Assignments On Topics You Are Not Familiar With

If you have been writing professionally for any length of time, you know that you enjoy some kinds of work more than others. When a writing topic matches your own areas of interest and expertise, writing is a lot more enjoyable. And it's easier too.

We may plan the assignment, but we can also depend on our unconscious minds to feed us information, structure and a constant flow of energy.

In other words, writing on topics that interest us is a pleasure. We have a huge resource of knowledge to draw upon. We feel positive because we are tapping into an area of personal expertise. All these factors contribute to helping us write quickly and efficiently, with a minimum of distractions or procrastination.

However, when we take on a task that isn't a good fit for us, writing becomes much harder. We have to do all the research. We don't have an existing body of knowledge to call upon. And nor can we depend on that personal sense of authority and enjoyment that comes with better-matched writing work.

The first question to ask here is, "Why take on writing assignments that aren't a perfect fit?" There can be a number of reasons. Maybe we just need the extra income. That's a very valid reason. Or maybe we are trying to expand our area of expertise. That's valid too.

Whatever the reason, we need to find a way to help speed up and ease the pain of these unfamiliar and more difficult writing jobs.

In my experience, the best way to work quickly and efficiently on a topic that is unfamiliar is to become very, very organized. You need to prepare for and plan these assignments a lot more carefully and thoroughly.

Here are the 5 ways in which Writing Rituals will help you break down your old work habits and become wildly productive...

1 – You'll learn how to CLEAR YOUR MIND.

Do you sometimes find yourself starting on a new task, while your mind is still buzzing with other "to-do" items?

2 – You'll learn how to VISUALIZE THE OUTCOME of every task.

Have you ever got started on a project and then stumbled, realizing you're not quite sure where you are heading?

3 - You'll learn how to get FULLY LOADED before you start writing.

Do you ever find yourself stalled in the middle of a writing task, simply because you don't have all the information you need?

4 – You'll learn how to START WRITING, even when it feels like you can't.

Do you ever have trouble getting started while staring at that blank page?

5 – You'll learn how to STICK TO THE PLAN, even when the going gets tough.

Have you ever wished you could sail through a writing project without pause, hesitation or distraction?

By applying each ritual you will find that even tough, unfamiliar writing assignments can be broken into logical steps and worked through with minimal difficulty.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

How to Reduce Your Dissertation Writing Stress Levels

Facing the prospect of completing a 10,000 words (plus) dissertation, with very little structured support can be extremely daunting, even to the most confident student. Throughout the majority of your academic life, you will have followed teacher's orders, a government agreed syllabus, a well researched reading list. And now, for the very first time, you are being given the freedom to undertake your own research project, to explore areas no man has gone before, to learn and read and write and create within your own timescales and study structure. Great isn't it?! A breath of fresh air...but scary!

The process under which your dissertation will be completed can be, and potentially should be, quite structured. Its needs a planning stage, a literature review, an outline developed, a first draft, further development and a final draft. All of these stages make up the process for completing a dissertation, and all deserve an in-depth review of what work is involved to ensure the stage is completed successfully. But before you commence the planning stage of your dissertation, you must make sure you have got the preliminaries sussed! An excellent dissertation relies heavily on great planning, but if it doesn't conform with the formalities, if it doesn't tick the examiners boxes, then it has the potential to become a big fat flop! So, ensure that Step One of any dissertation you're going to be completing is, 'understand what is required of you!' To do that, you need to answer the questions (helpfully posed by Peter Levin from the Open University Press) below:

- What requirements does your dissertation have to conform to? And what documents do you have that state these requirements?

- What type of dissertation are you being asked to complete? Are you able to use the advice and guidance of your tutors? Does the dissertation have to be based on subject-matter that has already been covered in your classes, or are you able to carry out a piece of original research?

- Is there any form of marking scheme that you can digest?!

- What is the word limit of the dissertation? And what is included and excluded from this word limit?

- What referencing system are you to use?

- Is there a specific layout preference? For example, do you need to use sub-headings and double spacing of lines?

- When and where does your dissertation need to handed in? And to whom? And is there a specific 'handing-in' process?

- How much freedom do you have over your title choice? Does it have to be agreed by your tutor before you can commence your research?

- How much assistance are you entitled to access? Where will this assistance come from?

- Can you use, access, or pull on previous student's dissertations?

- Does everybody else in your class / group have the same answers to the questions posed above?! It's always best to clarify your understanding of the formalities with others in the same position as you!

It is very easy to misinterpret guidance, or misread a deadline..., but easy mistakes can have awful consequences! So take the time to speak to your fellow students, and make sure there is a consistency of understanding, before you embark on your own, unique, dissertation journey!